Hemp Oil! Boosting my Oil Mix

I've just found my digital camera, hoorah (it was in my flat the whole time, big sighs)! So to celebrate, expect to see a whole bunch of...

I've just found my digital camera, hoorah (it was in my flat the whole time, big sighs)! So to celebrate, expect to see a whole bunch of product reviews in the coming weeks as well as non webcam pictures of my hair and wash days.

I bought some hemp oil today from Tesco as my grapeseed was running out and I don't want to buy any hair products online. My hair guru is Jeni from justgrowalready.com (her hair is stunning and she gives great advice) and she once made a post on the benefits of ceramides and hemp oil specifically. So when I saw it in the shop I had to buy!

my essential (hohoho) oils

So my newest oil mix (which I use for sealing, pre-pooing and deep conditioning) consists of:
  • 4 Tablespoons Hemp Oil
  • 3 Tablespoons Rapeseed oil for bulking - removed from mix as of 25/04/14
  • 3 Tablespoons Grapeseed Oil
  • (nearly) 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil (I ran out, sad) - now 4-5tbsp as of 25/04/14
 Where I keep my oil. I love using tubs that have been emptied of product. Upcycling!

I'm going to need to get more coconut as that's an integral part of my mix. The hemp oil is so luxurious in colour and consistensy so I'm excited to see how it goes on my next wash day and in general.

'Til next time!

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